Firepower Remediation Module- Unknown Talos Block
This tool serves as a security tool that integrates with the Cisco Firepower and VirusTotal API to enhance
network protection. The script is designed to accept a destination IP address as input from the FMC
Remediation Module. Upon receiving the IP address, it checks against the VirusTotal database to
determine if there have been any reported malicious activities associated with that IP. This tool serves
as a complementary solution in cases where Talos is unable to identify the malicious hosts.
Follow the instructions in the README file to install.
The required files for installation are as follows:
File Name | Dowload Link |
ReadMe File | Download Readme File |
Remediation Module | Download Remediation Module |
API Machine OVF | Download API Machine OVF |
SD-WAN EVE-NG Pro Topology File
This lab is only importable on EVE-NG Pro/Learning Center editions
Make sure the images folder below exist on your EVE-NG before importing the Lab:
>> vManage: vtmgmt-
>> vBond: vtbond-20.9.4
>> vSmart: vtsmart-20.9.4
>> c8000v: c8000v-17.09.04a
>> Windows Workstation: any windows 10 image
>> Windows Server: any Windows Server 2016/2019 images
>> Cisco FMC: any FMC 7.x version image
>> Cisco FTD: any FTD 7.x version images
>> IOL L2 (Switch): i86bi_linux_l2-adventerprisek9-ms.SSA.high_iron_20190423.bin
>> IOL L3 (Router): i86bi_LinuxL3-AdvEnterpriseK9-M2_157_3_May_2018.bin
Recommended Resources to RUN Full lab (all nodes):
vCPU (CPU Threads): 56
RAM: 110 GB
Disk: SSD (For good performance)
SD-WAN Lab icons for EVE-NG
SFTP/SCP to your EVE, copy all icons to this location: /opt/unetlab/html/images/icons